Frequently Asked Questions

What do we do?

Senior Care by Design is here to assist you in navigating the supportive housing options available in San Diego. Whether caring for a spouse or a loved one, considering a plan for your future as you age, or assisting adult children with aging parents, now might be the right time to consider your options. We're here to help you understand the many housing options, including the differences among each, pros/cons, and assist you with making an informed decision for your specific needs.

Beyond a concierge service, I’m an educator, guiding families through difficult times. In our time together, you will learn, sometimes laugh and find relief in the options available for your loved one.

Are we making the right decision? How will I know we are ready for this?

If you’re asking the question, I encourage you that now is a good time to explore. By the time we’re finished with our process you’ll know what the right place is and if it’s the right decision for your family and your loved one. Knowing your best options, without being overwhelmed by choice, is our sweet spot.

Can we afford this?

We are going to find the next loving, caring community for your loved one. We understand finances are an important and critical piece to consider. We are compensated by Communities when our clients become residents.  This allows us to be a free resource to anyone looking for a Community.  We refer to all Communities in good standing with the Department of Social Services even those that we do not have a contractual agreement with.  If you have filled out inquiry forms online for any places, we will need to discuss this when you reach out and we’re happy to explain more.  

How do you help families make this decision together?

Today’s families have a variety of decision makers and individuals who care. My work is about listening, including, and ultimately finding out what is important to your loved one and what would be the right living arrangement for them. We will walk this road with whomever is integral to that process. Read what our families have to say.

Who do you work with?

If your loved one will be living in San Diego or will be moving to San Diego, we are a wonderful option.

Do you have contacts in other parts of the country?

Yes. We work collaboratively across the country with placement agents who mirror our own values and protocols. 

How do I evaluate agencies?

It's critical to this process that you feel confident in and connected to the person who is walking with you through this journey.   And, it is a "journey". Some agencies work solely online or over the phone. When you are interviewing potential agencies, we'd encourage you to ask if you will work with the same referral agent (so you can build that rapport), if they personally tour homes they will be recommending and, likewise, if they have had 1:1 discussions with their administrators or owners. We also recommend you ask for their process for reviewing social service reports and the bar they place on that evaluation and recommending home to clients. In short - how do they determine which homes 'make the cut'? Our service is unique in that you will never be placed in a home that has not been personally toured by Senior Care By Design , including getting to know the administrator and staff. We are not afraid to ask the hard questions to truly get to know them. Likewise, we spend a tremendous amount of time scouring social service reports to ensure that homes we recommend continue to offer premium service and adhere to strict licensing guidelines.

Should I search for communities online?

If you would like to navigate the process yourself, here are some things to keep in mind when reaching out to the communities directly:

  • You’ll receive lots of phone calls

  • These services sell your information to communities & places, without consideration of your family’s specific needs

If you do not want to navigate this yourself, and if you would like to work with Senior Care by Design, please do not fill out any forms for online placement providers, or reach out to the communities directly. In the event that you do fill out the form online, and then choose to work with Senior Care by Design after the fact - it could mean that our work will be based on an hourly rate.  We have been able to avoid this with all of our clients up until now. Call us to discuss.

How quickly does this process go?

You and your loved one will set the pace.

First, we’ll speak to learn more about your needs.

I will work with you to locate the care-based housing (options range from independent and assisted living, memory and continuing care communities) that meet your unique needs. Senior Care by Design has the expertise to help you meet your medical and social needs, location and budget. I will help you navigate through the decision-making process so you and your family can focus on celebrating life together.  It’s all about moving through the process with as much grace and ease as is possible.

Consider us a trusted friend who will come alongside you in the process, do the hard work of assessing and offer possible choices, then support you as you decide.

How do we decide who to work with? 

No matter what your needs are, most people want one thing—the knowledge that they’re making the best decision. With over several hundred families served, we’ve been through this process many times and will work with you every step of the way.

Most importantly, know that we’ll keep your loved ones’ best interests our top priority and we’ve had success on our matches for 98% of our clients.

I’m also a Certified Senior Advisor and have helped over 400 families. In my personal life, I cared for my Aunt Catherine for 10 years and have helped in the care of my brother, John. This work is my sole focus and I’ve worn similar shoes.

When should I start looking at options for care?

By the time you start asking this question, it’s likely time. While that can be a hard realization, so often that means that you’re closer to finding peace and a safe, thriving living situation for your loved one, than ever before.

What kinds of communities do you work with?

  • Independent Living Communities

  • Assisted Living Communities

  • Residential Care Homes

  • Continuing Care Retirement Communities (Also known as buy-ins)

  • Alzheimers/Dementia Care

We will help families and individuals navigate these options taking into consideration loved one’s situation and preferences, understanding the right options for today as well as what is ahead on the horizon.

We work with many types of communities, all of which are outlined here. Senior Care by Design has developed relationships with licensed assisted living and memory care communities that include the care support and social programs to meet your needs. Once I know your loved ones unique circumstance, and your goals, I will match your needs to these personalized housing options.